Provident in Loch Ness

Happy guest

Provident leaving Dunstaffnage

Youngsters welcome!

Artist on board

Gometra shop

afternoon tea is always a treat

rigging repairs

lobster from passing fisherman
Fidden, west coast of Mull

where next?

Looking down on Loch Nevis

Anchored off Eilean Donan Castle

Loch Linnhe

With Abacus Mountain guides


Ardbeg distillery on Islay

Kilmory beach on Rum

Traigh na Gael beach on Mull

Approaching the Skye Cullin

Island of Rona

St Kilda


`Loch Spelve, Mull

Approaching Oban

Adventure in the rain

St Kilda

Staff and Fingal's cave

Its the skipper's turn to cook

Wild Swimming with Anna Crampin